Hashtag The Struggle Is Real

Is it though? How much of what we know is actually fucking real? We inhale oxygen and exhale nitrogen effortlessly

But lest we seek to be more, the struggle is incessantly real.

In the sense that the children of the sage are almost always forced into a cage that they are way too big for.

I expel my energy to the Lord and Lady for those trapped to reach the semi safety of being just a little more privvy to what may or may not be actual reality

It’s either a spell from extraterrestrial or an illusion of illumination, either way lets all be happy we’re all fucking here today, and that so many words rhyme with a hard E

But carry that forward to tomorrow, positivity kills sorrows, giving back the energy you borrow to return threefold is a trade I can swallow.

I could do without life dropping a metric shit-ton of bullshit all over what I’m trying to do but who wouldn’t?

You just wait for it to pass, take a long shower, wash your ass and move the fuck on ’cause in the end, all that matters is how much you danced.

So dance, Starchild, when no one hears the music take the energy and use it and

Through it

Be a lover, not a fighter to this struggle everyone claims is so real, the struggle is more like a seal over your

Third eye

Making some so blind you could scream truth in their face and they wouldn’t even see you.

Staring constantly through  to the darkness they perceive, choosing to believe as ignorance is chosen.

Though Zen is better, much have chosen or have chosen for them the lesser, ignorance that is bliss

Kiss of death, last breath

Of awareness

The sheep fight the struggle. And couldn’t fucking care less.



Thank you for reading!
