The Man, I Write Poetry, and Untitled

So every week I read poetry at a cozy little coffeeshop called Cush Cafe, and back in March I decided to record my self, instead of the usual live stream, so I’m jumping ahead chronologically a bit, but I also recently started my Patreon, so with releasing this on that page I wanted to release it here. With that if you support me on Patreon ( ) I promise I’ll make you something super cool!

Thank you so much for watching!

Shadow / 7-15

Oi vey I naysay and play to the crowd, the first thing you’ll learn about me is I do not fuck around, never lost and never found finding new sound in the underground children of ancient philosophical plans, visioned tropical sands manifest.

Manifesting power to fight what you’re detesting and second guessing the best things of blessings ever present in each present moment using present tense as if I could pause a second and talk about it for a minute.

Grand Mother’s clock always tick tocking, a false perception of light and dark never stopping, ever rocking to and fro, fantastic dog and pony show, a golf clap given in honor of such illusion orchestrated (clap)

Statue created, masses sated, and both George Bushes masturbated furiously and yet


It went off without a hitch, they rocked that bitch without a stitch and all of their friends got rich.

Well, richer.

To paint the picture properly half the planet, and 45 million of this country in poverty doesn’t seem to be that big of problem to them, so all the people who want to address it can’t and all the people who can address it won’t, because they don’t give two shits and popsicle about anyone outside their yacht club.

So yeah motherfucker, sit up there in your tall Roman towers, tell us to eat cake and take your golden showers. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, it sure as fuck won’t crumble in one either, you don’t have to be a believer.

It’s your choice how loud your voice is, and how much you decide to change your own reality, how well you merge the fighting dualities.

In our community of beautiful creativity we have the power to change the universe, remove the curse and disperse shadow with light when you see there is no difference between the two, you’re only perceiving it.

Twitter / Not Dated

Twitter, Twitter, What the fuck is Twitter?

It’s made me a bit of a bitter critter ’cause holy shit on a shitter

There’s a lot of fucking bullshit on Twitter.

Tweets tweeting thoughts fleeting, dipping your hands in shit as if you were eating,

Makers of Twitter:

What were you conceiving?

I suppose it doesn’t matter much the results are as such: Social media is a crutch for the good and a soapbox for the wicked to brainwash those already sickened with the common condition of being stupid as FUCK.

Two hundred posts a day from “Not Will Ferrel” and one cat picture from a woman named Carol probably feral

Stares from those external view this infernal mockery of debauchery in awe.

The feeling is raw

And naturally untame

Watching a demon without a name devour the lame with the eyes of a dame.

Binging and purging

on energy surging

Misinformation and propaganda merging into: Twitter.

So fuck Twitter. Yeah I said it. Come on everyone, lets all go to Reddit!

Thank all of you reading, I love you!
