Six minutes of how my mind works

Hm. Fuck.

I can’t think of anything

Though thinking of that was thinking of something

Recognition of nothing

As recognized

Deluxe double fuck yeah fries

Sometimes I think I’ve died inside

But really I just forget that I’ve never been more alive

Never had more drive

To survive

Now I thrive.

Emerald Light abounds

Secrets continue to profound

The sting of solitaire pledge

Has still not lost its edge

But changing perspective is a good directive to ones objective

Making change effective


Mind blown

But I’m only reaping the seeds that I’ve sown

I’m only translating into human words

All the things I’ve been shown

Curveballs thrown from the throne

Of the Gods

Hit it out of the park

And see the Gods nod

Respect is always earned

Seemingly difficult to learn

The Burn

Of not receiving respect given fucking sucks

Choosing your battles

Is choosing where to give your fucks

Or to even give them at all.

To just sit and sip your coffee

And watch Rome fall

It will, trust me

Whatever the Roman metaphor means to be

Its attempted eloquently

But I wonder if I come off more pretentiously

My message of respect, love, and light

But if you perceive pretension

That is just my lights reflection off of your ethereal mirror

Has anything become clearer?

I visit a Seer every night in my dreams

I just don’t think I’m deemed worthy to remember

Yet, I don’t know

Maybe not

Worth a shot

I guess it beats the rest of the alternatives

The mental self-sacrilege

Package it

Wrap it

In three layers of plastic

And dick-slap you with it

The screams just a daily symphony

Of the people lined up for their lobotomies.





Could be here

Or there

That’s not what’s at hand

Taking command of that realization

Supporting each other comes into the equation.

Our thoughts are interwoven as fabric

Collective thought energy like static

Can you feel it,

Raising your arm hairs

Gaining insight to your petty cares

Those little energy flares

Chakra imbalances,

Long stares for being one who dances

One who chances against life and death,

Take a deep breath

Thank the goddess it’s not your last

That you haven’t gotten lost to the demons of your past

The things you’ve cast aside

The times your faith in humanity belied you

And tried you

Had nothing to do

With anything true

Nothing to do with you, little hummingbird

When you cast light like this

You will get many broken reflections back

A fat stack

Of mirrors out of whack

There are times

When the weights a bit heavy

I just keep rockin’ rhymes

And keep rockin’ steady

Energy burst forth like a cannon of confetti

Flying through life like Mario Andretti

I’m ready for anything

And down for whatever

Open up your mind

And pull the fucking lever


Got a splinter

What the fuck is Tinder?

Hindrance in  evidence


Back to respect

And the effect of getting wrecked

Which demands a certain respect itself.

Losing control is nothing to be taken lightly

Rightly so the same could be said for gaining.

In a reality where truth is waning

Societies self-shaming prolific

The shit’s horrific

It makes me sick

Bite-size pieces of politics

The rhetoric’s ridiculous

The reveloution’s inconspicuous

The trick you just tried

With no conviction in mind

Eating this watermelon down to the rind?

Now that kind of commitment can be hard to find

That particular tilt of mind can mean greatness

But watch out for fake-ness

Know that it can’t shake this awareness

You’ve created,

Obligated to make the haters feel deflated

I deflate them with love

Even a little is enough

When you’ve lived your whole life in darknes\Bs

Even a matchstick can blind you

Remember narrow-neck?

Kinda like that, but with your third eye

Beautiful birds fly by

And I’m super high

Flying with them

Fully embrace the Earth Mothers’ rhythm

Never quittin’ this vision spittin’

Well I suppose I’ll quit at the end of the page

Six minutes is only so long to rage

So take in Sage

Smoke when you can

It’s knowledge I seek

I’ll be back next week,

With poetry unseen

So PLUR motherfuckers.

And stay classy Eugene!



Written 7/10/15 Specifically to be read at a weekly poetry open mic based in Eugene, Oregon.


The Man, I Write Poetry, and Untitled

So every week I read poetry at a cozy little coffeeshop called Cush Cafe, and back in March I decided to record my self, instead of the usual live stream, so I’m jumping ahead chronologically a bit, but I also recently started my Patreon, so with releasing this on that page I wanted to release it here. With that if you support me on Patreon ( ) I promise I’ll make you something super cool!

Thank you so much for watching!

Twitter / Not Dated

Twitter, Twitter, What the fuck is Twitter?

It’s made me a bit of a bitter critter ’cause holy shit on a shitter

There’s a lot of fucking bullshit on Twitter.

Tweets tweeting thoughts fleeting, dipping your hands in shit as if you were eating,

Makers of Twitter:

What were you conceiving?

I suppose it doesn’t matter much the results are as such: Social media is a crutch for the good and a soapbox for the wicked to brainwash those already sickened with the common condition of being stupid as FUCK.

Two hundred posts a day from “Not Will Ferrel” and one cat picture from a woman named Carol probably feral

Stares from those external view this infernal mockery of debauchery in awe.

The feeling is raw

And naturally untame

Watching a demon without a name devour the lame with the eyes of a dame.

Binging and purging

on energy surging

Misinformation and propaganda merging into: Twitter.

So fuck Twitter. Yeah I said it. Come on everyone, lets all go to Reddit!

Thank all of you reading, I love you!
