Twitter / Not Dated

Twitter, Twitter, What the fuck is Twitter?

It’s made me a bit of a bitter critter ’cause holy shit on a shitter

There’s a lot of fucking bullshit on Twitter.

Tweets tweeting thoughts fleeting, dipping your hands in shit as if you were eating,

Makers of Twitter:

What were you conceiving?

I suppose it doesn’t matter much the results are as such: Social media is a crutch for the good and a soapbox for the wicked to brainwash those already sickened with the common condition of being stupid as FUCK.

Two hundred posts a day from “Not Will Ferrel” and one cat picture from a woman named Carol probably feral

Stares from those external view this infernal mockery of debauchery in awe.

The feeling is raw

And naturally untame

Watching a demon without a name devour the lame with the eyes of a dame.

Binging and purging

on energy surging

Misinformation and propaganda merging into: Twitter.

So fuck Twitter. Yeah I said it. Come on everyone, lets all go to Reddit!

Thank all of you reading, I love you!


About Koy The Artist

I grew up in a very small town, lived in relatively the same area most of my life, when I decided I needed to find something, and the small big city of Eugene Oregon became my home, where I expanded on my music and lyric writing abilities by writing poetry every week for an open mic at a local coffeeshop. Also dabbling in storytelling and drawing, I truly am a jack of all (most) trades of art. I’m 25, work a part time job that I don’t hate but don’t love. Still searching for a soulmate. Its almost a recurring theme in my poetry. Anyway if you would like to ask me any questions, or get to know this crazy fuck a little better, more personal contact info is in the contact menu.

First blog post

My poetic writings have become rather scattered about in the year I’ve been writing. Notebooks, phones without removable SD cards, and so on. I wanted a clean organized space where I can save and display my poetry while it awaits a printing press, So after I get everything inside a new poem or two should be posted every week, as I write and read for a weekly open mic at a place called Cush Cafe. I also started this to read others work and broaden my own horizons there. So without further ado, lets post some poetry!