Superiority Complex / Not Dated

So I was walking out of 711 a bit ago, a family at the Redbox, a little boy indicates what he wants to see, mother says no, that’s a documentary.

No no, Johnny, you don’t get to educate yourself, you want two hours of computer generated explosions, a trojan horse if you will, in the sense that shit can only rot your brain if you let it in.

But that kid, and all kids don’t have any say in what they learn, they just do, so whatever is around them is true to them.

I mean this isn’t anything that hasn’t already been said, but I’ve usually just felt this way about religion and such, I just feel bad for these kids that just become little puppet dogma clones of their ancestors, like they never had a chance to see anything else.

But this is knowledge we’re talking about here, desire to make the world more clear.

The sheer idiocy of maintaining your offspring are as stupid if not stupider than you doesn’t make any sense.

I remember the day my father apologized for passing on his superiority complex, his beer gut convex he chuckled when I asked what he meant.

Not what the complex meant, but why he was sorry for it, for raising me to be intelligent enough to see this bullshit for what it is, and that a lot of people legitimately can’t see the difference between their elbow and a hole in the ground.

“Well…” He thought for a second. “Some people would put themselves on a steeple to look down upon and hate the sheeple, but only for pure ego, and as far as we go, I’m just glad you didn’t do that with the gift I gave you.”



Thank you!


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