My Inner Environmentalist / 6/19/15

A plain, brown, lone feather adrons my sight

An omen it might


Either way, sitting on the bank of the Wilamette is the remedy

I call it nature therapy

Side note:

Every time I come to a new spot, I’ll bring plastic bags to pick up the trash the fucking rot of the earth leave around.

To my left there is an empty 40 floating a few feet from the bank

My heart sank

at first

Then a quiet rage because I can’t imagine why you live in such a beautiful place and fuck it up like that.

Fuck you, you narrowneck litterbug fuck.

Narrowneck, of course, being a term for one who has not developed proper neck muscles from not having to hold up a brain his whole life.

I know I quit rhyming but I have great timing and we’re all smiling so;

There are trash cans all along the trail, dipshit. I could take all your trash and build a statue with it

We all could worship it, for all the people who are fucking doing something about it.

I’m over it, but lets all shout:

Pack it in, Pack it out!




Thank you for reading!


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